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Lives in United States. Born on June 2, 1960.
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wanna get in touch with a cnadain master you little shit? you couldnt handle my real shits in person. but maybe i can find a use for you. add slashermew from alberta canada on skype
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wanna get in touch with a cnadain master you little shit? you couldnt handle my real shits in person. but maybe i can find a use for you. add slashermew from alberta canada on skype
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wanna get in touch with a cnadain master you little shit? you couldnt handle my real shits in person. but maybe i can find a use for you. add slashermew from alberta canada on skype
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wanna get in touch with a cnadain master you little shit? you couldnt handle my real shits in person. but maybe i can find a use for you. add slashermew from alberta canada on skype
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wanna get in touch with a cnadain master you little shit? you couldnt handle my real shits in person. but maybe i can find a use for you. add slashermew from alberta canada on skype
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wanna get in touch with a cnadain master you little shit? you couldnt handle my real shits in person. but maybe i can find a use for you. add slashermew from alberta canada on skype
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