on November 3, 2018
Categories: Masters
Dimension: 900 x 1006
File Size: 210.29 Kb
7 people like this.
What a hot American. Oh wait, another guy saying he's from the USA when he's far from it. If he lies about this, what else do you think he might lie to you about?
Like November 3, 2018
all for example arabs living in the US should than add they live in Libanon when they live in the US?!
Like November 3, 2018
I post just as an FYI, you all do what you want with it. Doesn't make him any less hot, but I don't pay guys who I know lie right up front. To each their own.
Like November 3, 2018
cocky you better post your pics in profile first.... dont attack Him for no reason
Like November 3, 2018
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