There's so many stupid faggots out there, I can't keep track of them, but here's one of my latest conversations with one of them:
another dumb fag: Wow, hvnt seen You online in awhile!
AndYouLookStupid: Been busy.
AndYouLookStupid: Missed me?
another dumb fag: Well I've noticed Your name on my list & wonder abt You, yes...I think Your absence made Hou irresistible to contact.
AndYouLookStupid: Yeah, I know. A lot of guys need to be treated like shit.
another dumb fag: I'm even nearly home, but embracing feeling trapped
AndYouLookStupid: Sounds like you're acting stupidly - as usual.
another dumb fag: Yes Sir
AndYouLookStupid: If you're just sitting there, then do something useful. Send me a gift, asshole.
another dumb fag: May I pay for some call time?
AndYouLookStupid: Sure. $20 for 10 minutes.
another dumb fag: PayPal address Sir?
AndYouLookStupid: [email protected]
AndYouLookStupid: And send it as a gift.
AndYouLookStupid: Or send an Amazon Gift Card to me at the same address.
another dumb fag: Via PayPal Sir, thank You.
another dumb fag: Sent.
AndYouLookStupid: Got it. Call me. xxx-xxx-xxxx
another dumb fag: May I pay & call again when I'm inside Sir?
AndYouLookStupid: Sure, dumbass. I've got time for you today.
AndYouLookStupid: LOL
another dumb fag: hi Sir, i'm on camera, was hoping U could see me
AndYouLookStupid: lol... Not only do you sound stupid, you look stupid too!
another dumb fag: yes Sir. i have news. can we do a call on here while You watch me?
AndYouLookStupid: Sure.
AndYouLookStupid: Send the cash and then call.
another dumb fag: i don't remember, Sir, are You open to the idea of having a fag like me come and work for You out west? be a live-in slave or something like it?
AndYouLookStupid: Hell no. You can come here and clean my toilets, and then I'd kick you out.
another dumb fag: i see.
AndYouLookStupid: Oh - you could make dinner for me before you leave.
another dumb fag: YAY! (said in an excited faggy voice)
another dumb fag: clap clap
AndYouLookStupid: lol...
another dumb fag: that's how it should be.
AndYouLookStupid: Nice, isn't it
another dumb fag: i hope that You enjoy hearing my hope about my parents & inheritance. i know others find it fucked up. it feels good to tell You though, Sir.
another dumb fag: i mean, i kind of hope You approve, that You think, "that fag's head is in a good place."
AndYouLookStupid: Yep, sounds good to me. But you won't get it until they die, right?
another dumb fag: that's right.
AndYouLookStupid: How long do you think that'll be?
another dumb fag: so i often wish silently......
another dumb fag: idk
another dumb fag: neither are ill.
AndYouLookStupid: Pfft.
another dumb fag: yes, Sorry.
another dumb fag: but
another dumb fag: if You are gonna be around!
AndYouLookStupid: Yeah. Keep me in mind, dumbo.
another dumb fag: oh i was showing You on cam that in my phone i have typed in 20 to go Your way.
AndYouLookStupid: Ah, hold on.
AndYouLookStupid: Yep. Go ahead.
another dumb fag: thank You, Sir, just hit the button, so it should come in a moment.
AndYouLookStupid: Alright. Hold on.
AndYouLookStupid: Just had another faggot ask to send cash to me.
another dumb fag: ok, Sir, whatever You wanna do then....
AndYouLookStupid: Hold on a second. I got your payment. This other one sounds like he's ripe.
AndYouLookStupid: really ripe lol
another dumb fag: ok.
another dumb fag: happy to wait for You.
AndYouLookStupid: Alright. He sounds high. I'm not gonna wait for him. Call me.
AndYouLookStupid: I probably wouldn't take you as a live-in, but I would enjoy taking everything from you, and moving you into a studio apartment with only the basics for living.
AndYouLookStupid: No furniture except a plastic chair and a mattress on the floor.
another dumb fag: yes Sir
another dumb fag: and in the meantime,
another dumb fag: i guess i like
another dumb fag: oversight of my accounts
another dumb fag: the idea of You (or someone) having a CC i pay for
another dumb fag: etc.
AndYouLookStupid: Sure. I had another loser give me his online banking information. But then he chickened out after just one day and changed the password.
another dumb fag: yes Sir, i believe it.
another dumb fag: i would be into that. may wanna wait till the next time, but it would be nice. when i was with xxx years ago
another dumb fag: i'd fallen out of touch for a bit
another dumb fag: & He withdrew 200 from me to make me get in touch.
another dumb fag: didn't let me have it back
another dumb fag: it was a good lesson.
AndYouLookStupid: Yep. That's the kind of lessons I like to teach.
AndYouLookStupid: If you had left the key in the car with me around, I would have had you sit in the car alone for 30 minutes. I'd crack the window open enough for you to stick your nose out like a dog for fresh air.
another dumb fag: and i'm definitely interested in direct deposit. if i could find a Master who'd allow me to turn into HR at my job their bank info so that a good portion of my paycheck automatically goes to HIM? wow, that'd be awesome.
another dumb fag: i thought it as funny & appropriate that i did that earlier.
AndYouLookStupid: When you're ready to give up your paycheck, let me know. I'll give you my info.
another dumb fag: really? i could set it up anytime really....maybe say a certain percentage goes to You & the rest comes to me for living expenses.
another dumb fag: that would be the most...regular feeling, You know? like, my wages going directly to You - like a slave.
AndYouLookStupid: I've got another idiot slave who applied for a credit account from a tire store. I'm gonna have him buy about $1400 of new tires for my H3.
another dumb fag: that's great, Sir.
AndYouLookStupid: Think about being a wage slave. If you still want to do it by tomorrow, then get in touch.
another dumb fag: yes Sir
AndYouLookStupid: Actually, I have two accounts set aside for this. I call them my "idiot accounts".
another dumb fag: it would be very cool, Sir, to be a wage slave for You.
AndYouLookStupid: Then show me how cool you are.
another dumb fag: ok, i'll do some looking & let You know, Sir. i could drop Your info off as soon as tomorrow.
another dumb fag: i only get paid monthly there though. and just got paid. so it would be probably august 30th.
AndYouLookStupid: I want to see some commitment, so get in touch with me tomorrow.
another dumb fag: yes Sir
AndYouLookStupid: Alright. Whatever. That might be better anyway.
AndYouLookStupid: It would be good for you to just do it and then forget about it.
another dumb fag: yes Sir
another dumb fag: thanks, wow, this is a service i'd been hunting for for a long time!
another dumb fag: was that faggot high or did he get with You?
AndYouLookStupid: He sent that strange amount and then said he was going to the gym and would buy some poppers while he was out. Who knows. We'll see...
another dumb fag: it's nearing 4pm here, Sir. what should i do? i have beer, weed, scripts to read, etc.
another dumb fag: if You have an opinion, i'd love to read it
AndYouLookStupid: I think we should talk some more so I can hear how much you appreciate me.
another dumb fag: may i send You something via amazon, Sir?
another dumb fag: 20 g.c.?
AndYouLookStupid: That'd be awesome.
AndYouLookStupid: What are you doing, faggot?
another dumb fag: trying to see if i can use this new amazon card, Sir.
AndYouLookStupid: Alright. I know you're a slow learner, so I'll give you time.
another dumb fag: it's just that they didn't give me the card # so i'm having to see if there's a way i can make a purchase without the physical card in hand....
AndYouLookStupid: Well, you figure it out, slave boy. I'm gonna go eat while you're working for me.
another dumb fag: thank You Sir
AndYouLookStupid: Anytime, loser.
AndYouLookStupid: I should charge you every time you need to piss.
another dumb fag: that would be tough & expensive.
AndYouLookStupid: We'd start off easy. $1 each time you piss. You'd keep track of it and record yourself doing it every time.
another dumb fag: i would love to be a urinal, Sir.
AndYouLookStupid: If you forget to record it, you'll be required to piss in a glass and pour it over your head.
another dumb fag: i like You, Sir
AndYouLookStupid: Yeah, your life would be better if I controlled it.
another dumb fag: probably so Sir
AndYouLookStupid: Alright. I'll be posting some of this conversation on MastersCash for everyone to enjoy.
another dumb fag: please, Sir, don't use my real name?
another dumb fag: please i beg You.
AndYouLookStupid: No, no. I always protect the identities of the stupid.
another dumb fag: i hope so, Sir.
AndYouLookStupid: You're dealing with enough humiliation just being yourself.
another dumb fag: yes Sir
another dumb fag: thank You for all Your time & talking with me, Sir.
AndYouLookStupid: No problem. Have a shitty day.
another dumb fag: i don't know if i'll be able to pull myself away from here.
AndYouLookStupid: Well, I'm going now. You can do whatever you want.
another dumb fag: thank You Sir
another dumb fag: So it seems Sir that I could prolly purchase off an Item to be shipped to You. Is there a wishlist for You w/anything I could send a your way?
another dumb fag: It looks like it doesn't ask for my card # if there's a shipping address, it just charges my card.
AndYouLookStupid: Not now, faggot. I need to head out for awhile.
another dumb fag: Ok let me know if/when I can send an item Your way Sir. Thnx
another dumb fag: Upon seeing You log on, my face lit up. Is there any item I could have shipped to You via amzn that would be sufficient for some of Your time, Sir? Oh how I'd value more therapy. But I do really wna use the amzn acct only at this point & it seems I don't have to input my # if I'm shipping an item...
AndYouLookStupid: Hey stupid. I don't have a wish list, but keep checking with me. Since you're sort of a "low-value faggot", I'll probably use you for more mundane purchases.
another dumb fag: Yes Sir. I wonder if it would ask me for a number if I'm Shipping a gift card. But perhaps U don't wanna give me Ur address, Sir?
another dumb fag: Also I understand if U don't wanna talk to me again today.
AndYouLookStupid: Why would you ship a gift card, retard? You can just email those.
another dumb fag: I know, but like I said, the sit wants me to input the new card number on e-cards. It doesn't seem to ask if there's something being shipped. It just automatically goes thru.
another dumb fag: That's why I thought that.
AndYouLookStupid: Sounds like a fucked up situation. (Or maybe it's just you. haha..)
another dumb fag: You can watch my cam anytime You want Sir.
AndYouLookStupid: About to watch another faggot get high on pot. lol
another dumb fag: have me join anytime, Sir. i have beer & weed. gonna see what i can do about figuring out this amazon shit.
AndYouLookStupid: Cool. I'll get all my faggots high tonight.
AndYouLookStupid: Man, the things I see sometimes..
another dumb fag: i bet!
another dumb fag: sad and ridiculous, eh?
AndYouLookStupid: Stupid faggot was just smoking pot - "for me" - as he said - as if I care.
AndYouLookStupid: Yeah. He said he was looking for friends.
another dumb fag: he was looking in the wrong place.
AndYouLookStupid: I said I'm the kind of friend who charges for my time.
AndYouLookStupid: He didn't seem to mind at all. Guess he wanted the type of friend who uses him. That's just what some faggots need.
another dumb fag: yes Sir
AndYouLookStupid: You don't have any other credit cards?
another dumb fag: i do but it's pretty high, not much room left on it.
AndYouLookStupid: LOL.
another dumb fag: and i'd like to be wise
another dumb fag: haha
AndYouLookStupid: Great money management skills, huh?
another dumb fag: yes Sir.
another dumb fag: it's why i need an owner.
AndYouLookStupid: You'd like to be wise?!
AndYouLookStupid: Too late for that!
another dumb fag: i know
AndYouLookStupid: You could have been a gay comic.
AndYouLookStupid: lol
another dumb fag: maybe!
AndYouLookStupid: But instead, you became a faggot clown.
another dumb fag: i know. lucky You!
AndYouLookStupid: We both got what we deserved.
another dumb fag: any other questions for me Sir?
AndYouLookStupid: Nope. When you're available for use again, let me know.
another dumb fag: ok.