by on June 5, 2012

Here are some excerpts from my conversation with the dumb French faggot (living in Belgium) named 'fagbru".  (Stupid name, by the way.  Ha.)

fagbru: i think you have the best attitude

fagbru: what will be for you the best use of money slave

AndYouLookStupid: I'd use your money to buy something for my truck - either an accessory or a tank of gas.  

fagbru: great

AndYouLookStupid: How much are we talking about?

fagbru: i don t know what do you have in mind

AndYouLookStupid: The accessory I want is about $135.  It's a chrome gas tank cover.    Does that sound like a good way to waste your money?

fagbru: if you need it

AndYouLookStupid: I don't "need" it .  I want it.

fagbru: indeed sorry for this mistake

AndYouLookStupid: and I usually get my way.  

fagbru: you are right


fagbru: ok you are the boss in anycase

AndYouLookStupid: Actually, it's not "your" money, it's my money.  

fagbru: yes it s true

AndYouLookStupid: Send the gift card to:  [email protected]

fagbru: ok i ll do it

AndYouLookStupid: Good.  I'll expect to see it within the next few minutes.

fagbru: working on it now

fagbru: done


AndYouLookStupid: Alright, fine.  Are you in Paris?

fagbru: i m in europe

AndYouLookStupid: Where, exactly?

fagbru: brussels in belgium, but i use to live in paris

AndYouLookStupid: Are you French?

fagbru: yes i am

AndYouLookStupid: Seems like a lot of French cocksuckers like to be humiliated.  

fagbru: i ve heard that yes

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Great.  Now I know where I should go for my next vacation.

AndYouLookStupid: You could pay for it.  

fagbru: indeed can be my duty

AndYouLookStupid: How long have you been allowing yourself to be used like this?

fagbru: well i begining , but i m also looking for the right person to do that and by reading your profile i found your attitude great

AndYouLookStupid: On which site?  


AndYouLookStupid: Good.  It's a great site.  Tell me what you liked about my attitude.

fagbru: because it s not that you want more money is more than you like burning other guys money

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Yeah, it's fun to waste faggot cash.  Pretty funny, really.

fagbru: that is what i like in you, you like to humiliate

AndYouLookStupid: Burning it up as gas (petrol) is especially fun.  

AndYouLookStupid: I feel like I'm taking their cash and directly pushing the bills into my gas tank.

fagbru: can imagine

fagbru: it should be great feeling

AndYouLookStupid: It is for me!    Not sure about the faggots.  lol...

AndYouLookStupid: It's even funnier when they regret it later.  

fagbru: very evil

AndYouLookStupid: I just tell them, "Sorry.  My truck ate your cash."  

fagbru: great attitude


AndYouLookStupid: What's your name on MastersCash?

fagbru: fagbru

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Dumb name.

fagbru: i know

AndYouLookStupid: Is it supposed to mean "fag bro"?

fagbru: bru for brussels

AndYouLookStupid: lol... Ah, okay.

fagbru: yes 

fagbru: which are your favorit abused

AndYouLookStupid: I had a faggot who used to pay for my restaurant bills.  Every time I went out to eat, I'd send him a picture of the receipt, and he'd send a payment.  Great way to waste his money.  

fagbru: yes a good way indeed

AndYouLookStupid: There was another who called me for "therapy".  I charged him $20 for every 10 minutes on the phone.  At the end of the 10 minutes, I'd hang up on him without saying goodbye.  He'd get compulsive about it, and he'd call me back 9 or 10 times.  

AndYouLookStupid: He couldn't stop.  All so he could be insulted and have his cash taken from him.  What a jackass.  


AndYouLookStupid: Just saw that you got mentioned on "Top Fags".  Congratulations!  

fagbru: thank you 

AndYouLookStupid: Great accomplishment, dumbass.

fagbru: comming from you thanks a lot

AndYouLookStupid: I'm sure you're proud of yourself, stupid.

AndYouLookStupid: You said you're a big piece of shit.  Make me want to take a dump on you.  


fagbru: good idea do you like walking on fag

AndYouLookStupid: Yeah, mostly on their guts.  

fagbru: great so you don t mind being rough

AndYouLookStupid: I'm also starting to get interested in having my feet worshiped.

fagbru: i love licking boots

AndYouLookStupid: Nah, I don't mind it at all.  If the faggot wants to be treated like shit, I'm happy to help him out.  lol...

AndYouLookStupid: I've got another faggot working on a free pedicure for me.

fagbru: ok i see good cleaning i hope

AndYouLookStupid: Absolutely.  Massage, cleaning, and if it's a faggot, he can suck my toes.  

fagbru: and you charge him

AndYouLookStupid: Yep.  $20 per toe.  

fagbru: evil price

AndYouLookStupid: Bet he can't stop.

fagbru: very good , are you also destructive?

AndYouLookStupid: You mean, do I like to see someone financially ruined?

fagbru: this i think it s yes i read it , but to be precise on your slave belonging

AndYouLookStupid: Speak English, faggot.

fagbru: i mean destroying slave goods

AndYouLookStupid: Sure, I can be.  I think it'd be funny to slash the tires of a faggot's car.  

fagbru: very evil mind i like it , and send the bill for doing it

AndYouLookStupid: LOL

AndYouLookStupid: Another thing I'd like to do:  Have a truck full of horse shit dumped into a faggot's driveway or front door.  The stench would be there for a long time, and he'd have to pay to remove it.  


AndYouLookStupid: Excellent.  That's what I wanted to see.  

fagbru: thank you

AndYouLookStupid: It's really stupid for you to send your cash out like that, but I'm happy to take advantage of morons like you.  

fagbru: i know i m stupid

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Yeah?  When did you first realize it?

fagbru: more and more every day

AndYouLookStupid: No, dumbass, I asked "when" you first knew you were stupid.  How old were you?

fagbru: i m 36

fagbru: always

AndYouLookStupid: Your English needs work, frogface.

fagbru: yes i know

AndYouLookStupid: Just another way that you're dumb, I guess.

AndYouLookStupid: lol

AndYouLookStupid: It must suck to be both French AND stupid.  

fagbru: it s not easy

AndYouLookStupid: lol!  

AndYouLookStupid: And it'll never change, asshole.  You'll always be seen as inferior.

AndYouLookStupid: I bet you do stupid things every day.

fagbru: yes i know really sorry

AndYouLookStupid: lol!

AndYouLookStupid: If I took you to an ATM and the ATM machine was broken, I'd make you pay an extra fee.

AndYouLookStupid: Just got the gift card.  

fagbru: would be normal for the time spend

AndYouLookStupid: And if I wanted to go out to dinner with someone, I'd invite you to go with us, but you'd have to sit at a separate table, and then I'd tell the waiter to give you the bill.  

AndYouLookStupid: You could just follow me around, paying for everything I want!  haha

fagbru: very humiliating

AndYouLookStupid: You should be wearing a t-shirt every day that says, "I'm Stupid".

fagbru: yes real stupid fag

AndYouLookStupid: Besides sending out Amazon gift cards to strangers on the internet, tell me what other stupid things you've done lately.

fagbru: i payed to be spited on

AndYouLookStupid: lol

AndYouLookStupid: How many times have you done that?

fagbru: only one

AndYouLookStupid: How did you pay him?

fagbru: yes i did

fagbru: 300EUR

AndYouLookStupid: No, idiot, did you pay him for every time he spit on you?  Or just one amount?

fagbru: global amount

AndYouLookStupid: 300EUR?  That's some expensive spit!  lol...

fagbru: i know and stupid

AndYouLookStupid: Too fuckin funny.  


fagbru: you like to kick guys' nuts?

AndYouLookStupid: Definitely.  Anything that makes a guy look stupid.  

fagbru: you have a great attitude

fagbru: i m sure it will not be a soft kick

AndYouLookStupid: I'll wear shoes or boots with a steel toe.  

fagbru: you can stomp slave food and charge them for eating at your sole

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Leave it to you to come up with something like that.  I'd charge you at least $200 for that.  

fagbru: i think that worth it

AndYouLookStupid: Ha.  You would.  I'd make you buy some really expensive food for it, too.

fagbru: yes you won t stomp cheap food

AndYouLookStupid: My feet deserve the best.  

fagbru: definitly

AndYouLookStupid: Alright.  I'm gonna go.  Do you want to see the gas door you bought?

fagbru: yes please

AndYouLookStupid: This is it:

AndYouLookStupid: It costs more than I thought.  I'm either going to order a used one, or you can cough up another $60 and send it to me.

fagbru: great tast

fagbru: well up to you

AndYouLookStupid: Then send another $60, dumbass.

fagbru: thank you

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Sure.  $200 for a fuel door cover.  Smart way to spend your money, don't you agree?  

fagbru: yes it s for you

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Yeah.  I deserve it.

fagbru: shall i do it?

AndYouLookStupid: Fuck yes.

fagbru: done

AndYouLookStupid: Nice.  I should have made it $65 so that it would add up to an even $200.

fagbru: sorry

AndYouLookStupid: Yeah, you should apologize.  That's good.  

AndYouLookStupid: If you really mean it, send another $5.

AndYouLookStupid: Just got the $60.  

fagbru: done sir

AndYouLookStupid: Good.  How do you feel?

fagbru: really stupid

AndYouLookStupid: LOL.  

AndYouLookStupid: That's perfect!

fagbru: pity i m not living nearbye you

AndYouLookStupid: Yeah, I'd fuckin destroy your bank account.  

fagbru: i ll be dependant

AndYouLookStupid: Make you sign up for credit cards and put them in my name.

fagbru: evil idea

AndYouLookStupid: Drive you into debt.

fagbru: that also an humiliating situation, withdrawing cash at the atm standing on the slave

AndYouLookStupid: Ha.  Yeah.  Make you lay on the ground in front of the ATM where you belong.  Then stand on top of you and make you yell out your PIN code.

fagbru: yes when you have it you keep one foot on my face

AndYouLookStupid: I'll count the money out loud while my foot is on your face.

fagbru: yes very humiliating

AndYouLookStupid: Have you told anyone else about this humiliating fetish of yours?

fagbru: not really i found by accident the website , i check several profile (a lot fake) and found you

AndYouLookStupid: You found it, and then realized that you liked the idea of having your cash taken from you?

fagbru: yes exactly for useless thing or just wasting it

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Nice.  The world needs more faggots like you.

fagbru: thanks


AndYouLookStupid: Idiots like you just seem to find me.  I don't even try very hard.

fagbru: well you are very good

AndYouLookStupid: It must come naturally to me.  

fagbru: yes you show who you are

fagbru: if you have to kick my ball would i better be naked or you don t care?

AndYouLookStupid: There's a guy who lives near me.  He wants me to come to his door and throw a pie in his face.  

fagbru: waou great idea like that

AndYouLookStupid: I'd rather kick you with your clothes on.  I feel like I can kick harder then.  

fagbru: yes stanfding in front of you and colaspsing

AndYouLookStupid: He doesn't want to pay, though, so I'm not that interested.  He should pay for the privilege of having a pie thrown in his face.  haha...

fagbru: he is an idiot 

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Yeah, but not enough of one.

fagbru: one what

AndYouLookStupid: Not enough of an idiot.  He needs to be a bigger idiot!

fagbru: ok lol i see

fagbru: so no pie tonight

fagbru: you deliver a lot of good services

AndYouLookStupid: He needs to pay $100 plus the cost of the pie.  

fagbru: well it s the minimum he can

AndYouLookStupid: lol...  Yeah, a humiliation service for dumb faggots.

fagbru: trashing faggots place too?

AndYouLookStupid: Hell yeah.  I'd like to throw some eggs around.  

AndYouLookStupid: Maybe some fertilizer.

AndYouLookStupid: Dog food.

fagbru: and charging them for that

fagbru: yep

AndYouLookStupid: ha.  yeah.

AndYouLookStupid: Oh - and eat their food while I'm there.  

fagbru: spitting

fagbru: yes you are really

AndYouLookStupid: Another thing I'd like to do:  Set up a fucking machine and tie the faggot up so that he's immobilized, and getting fucked nonstop by a machine.  A couple of hours should leave his asshole in pretty bad shape.  

fagbru: great idea so he won t get fucked for a while

fagbru: i will advise you that he should not get excited either by stomping his dick also

AndYouLookStupid: I'd make him cum right before we start.  And if he got hard again, I'd turn off the machine, make him cum again, and then turn the machine back on.

fagbru: great idea 

fagbru: so you like to be painfull with fag

fagbru: you like to hurt them

AndYouLookStupid: Somewhat, yeah.  It's more about the psychological humiliation than physical.

fagbru: yes breaking the mind

fagbru: do you wear boots?

AndYouLookStupid: Not usually, but I've got a pair for special occasions.  

fagbru: hehe to do what?

AndYouLookStupid: When I abuse a guy, I like to wear boots.

fagbru: i guess they need a lick

AndYouLookStupid: Alright.  I want to tell the MastersCash group about our conversation.

fagbru: yes

AndYouLookStupid: We'll chat later.  

fagbru: ok thanks

AndYouLookStupid: Ha.  Anytime, asshole.

fagbru is typing...

fagbru: thanks

AndYouLookStupid: Keep saying that.

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