by on April 21, 2023

As our chat is growing we have decided to make some simple guidelines that we will be expanding on. As many of you know I have a certain way or running the site and try to make this site accessable for EVERYONE even if they fuck up from time to time. I thought our chat was pretty mellow and that I was doing a good job over this last decade but apparantly not. Many have expressed to me and behind my back they dont like the way I run the chat and Im kissing the ass of members. So Ive dediced to leave that to the moderators.


  • I will NO longer answer ANY messages on skype or here about anything to do with chat. You will be referred back to the moderators. They will do things as fair as possible and will not take any type of, well we are bros, or I got you in my cash rapes or have done so much for you and the site as any type of consideration for breaking the rules.If anyone witnesses mods being biased  please report it to me. 
  • They will also NOT hear about who should be banned. If you have an issue with a member its ok to report it to me and I will keep your name out of it and discuss with the moderators.
  • I will  only hear  complaints from the person who has the problem.  You wont get in any trouble for that, EVEN if youre reporting a moderator. I wont say who complained.
  • I will NOT override a mods decision so please dont ask. this goes for everyone.
  • There will be ample warning if you have an infraction and then a 1 day ban to cool off and 1 week, 1 month after that.
  • Before complaining about something small about a member, please just block them.


Things will still be the same as we are a site that wants you to have fun without having to walk on eggshells. We are NOT looking to ban members. We just want a CHILL environment and dont want to babysit. So 1 day bans etc will start happening if we cant be adults


If you are a person that is disrupting chat and causing issues ( even if youre not breaking the rules ) we will talk to you about it. We will NOT let the behavior of any ONE member cause other members to leave chat.


We can ALL get along and resepct others. Others sites are a lot more strict and I could easily go down that path and its less of a headache for me. We will try this way for now. 

READ the new guidelines here

There will be no excuse after you have been warned.



***********************************SERIOUS WARNING! *************************************************************

If there is an issue, THINK first before reacting and talking shit to myself OR the mods. Its probably only a 1 day ban, NO big deal. Moderators will NOT tolerate any arguing, slamming them or the site.

The days of ANYONE talking shit to me are also over. I dont care If we are related, we are bros etc etc, im not tolerating it. Ive been too nice to EVERYONE and Im just at a point where I dont give a shit. Im getting tired of people talking shit when Im respectful to EVERYONE! No ONE person is bigger than this site, not even me. I will let this site rot in hell before I tolerate it. I have many other ventures and this site does not support my lifestyle. 

Youre here making money on a VERY cheap membership I NEVER raise.  So repect our staff and other members and youll be fine

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