by on March 18, 2017

It's been a wild anniversary month.  A lot of decisions got made.  A lot of new hypnosis clients.  (Make sure you use the Book Session link on ... and don't ask me.  RoqGod's so insanely busy, even _I_ don't always fully know my schedule.  That link to my calendar will NEVER steer you wrong.)

A lot is coming in the next four months, too. 

There have been a few slaves rotate out of the active service roster.  Sometimes, I notice, the slaves go dormant for a while.

There's always new ones to take their place.  And I'm always happy to see them again, as long as we left on good terms.

Now, let's crunch some new data.

Originally, I said I'd stop updating this one. But the votes keep coming in.

THE ORIGINAL POLL:" alt="" width="271" height="238" />

Now, crunching the numbers, we're seeing it's mostly the same as before: The "Hat Trick" is first, followed by "Humiliate Me" and "Hypnotize Me." I will probably stop following this original poll.

Since, as before, I designed the poll without thinking, I knew right away I'd need a poll to break down what the "Humiliate Me" faggots meant.

Bringing us to Poll Number Two, redux.

POLL TWO:" alt="" >

So, we see again that the top three in order are: Hypno / MindRape, Piss, and Whoring. Some slight normalization of the numbers but no big changes, except that "Exposure online" finally got one vote.

See that four percent green sliver, at the very tippy top? That's you, exposure fag, whoever you are.

(Masters who wanna take advantage, and learn Hypnosis Tricks from me? Hit me up.)

From there, I wanted to know what the Ultimate Submission for a faggot would be.

POLL THREE:" alt="" >
Foot worship saw the biggest increase, 5 percent this time around, and Online Gang Cashrape dropped by about 3 percent.


Those first three are all updates from polls I've been tabulating votes on for about a month.

I decided I wanted to ask the masters what they liked best about their best slave or faggot.


This is the first set of these numbers I have, so there are no comparisons to be made. But you cashfaggots, LOOK CLOSELY HERE:

Almost four out of every ten masters want you to PAY AUTOMATICALLY.

Another big chunk, almost two out of every ten masters, wanna see you humiliate yourself on cam.

Slaves: should you be trying to impress or surprise your master in some way? Would your master like one of these things?

Think about it.

And finally....


I love-ah the intox. I do. I was curious, overall, what the top intox substances were, amongst masters and slaves, everyone.

I forgot that mostly slaves vote in these things.

It's no shocker that 40% of the faggots here are into the poppers. I was a little surprised there weren't as many 420 votes, since that's my jam.

(Weed and meth, roughly equal? SMH...)

There's the numbers. Updates to follow.


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