by on September 22, 2016

This was probably the lowest-dollar faggot I've ever used, but since it's my first time back in over two years, I'll consider it a warm-up.  It's still amusing to watch faggots make fools of themselves - and to pay for the privilege.  lol...  The fag didn't want his "real" username on here, so I've given him a better name that he fully deserves:  stoopid fag.

[4:10:28 PM] stoopid fag: I'm around now, Sir

[4:10:53 PM] HumiliatingYou: Ah, good.  What's on that little mind of yours lately?

[4:11:51 PM] stoopid fag: Lol not a whole lot. Just home from work and relaxin. You?

[4:12:11 PM] HumiliatingYou: Same.  In between gym sessions.

[4:12:22 PM] HumiliatingYou: Been used by anyone you like lately?

[4:12:51 PM] stoopid fag: moderately so

[4:13:01 PM] stoopid fag: what gym sessions are You doing, Sir?

[4:13:27 PM] HumiliatingYou: Today it's legs.  Did quads and calves earlier.  Going back for hamstrings and butt later.

[4:14:04 PM] stoopid fag: is that a specific technique to break it up like that or just subject to Your schedule?

[4:14:52 PM] HumiliatingYou: Not sure what you mean by a specific technique.  I just focus on certain body parts for each workout.

[4:15:06 PM] HumiliatingYou: Split over three days.

[4:16:06 PM] stoopid fag: nice! I start my week tomorrow morning

[4:16:25 PM] HumiliatingYou: Yeah?  What's happening tomorrow, exactly?

[4:16:52 PM] stoopid fag: i'll do chest day in the morning and legs during lunch, and do biceps/back on friday

[4:17:25 PM] HumiliatingYou: Good for you.  What kind of body do you have now?

[4:17:47 PM] stoopid fag: between average and beefy i'd say

[4:18:13 PM] stoopid fag: my goal is to work out and eat better, but being out of town and stuff has made that hard :P

[4:18:33 PM] HumiliatingYou: I'm sure there will always be something about you to laugh at.  :P

[4:18:53 PM] HumiliatingYou: That would make me happy, of course.

[4:19:10 PM] stoopid fag: :$ I'm sure there's no shortage of material :P

[4:19:16 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol...  I bet!

[4:19:41 PM] HumiliatingYou: Hire me as your trainer - the trainer who humiliates you and takes your cash.

[4:20:17 PM] stoopid fag: if we lived in the same town, that would be quite the hot scenario!

[4:20:32 PM] HumiliatingYou: Yeah, I'd enjoy that too.  Would make you pay me every 5 minutes.

[4:20:41 PM] HumiliatingYou: Pay for every exercise - every set.

[4:21:02 PM] HumiliatingYou: Charge extra when you make me laugh.

[4:21:34 PM] stoopid fag: id quickly run out of money, but the two routines we make it through every 40 days will be worth it :P

[4:21:54 PM] HumiliatingYou: Absolutely.  Bet you've never paid $200 for a training session - but you would with me!  lol

[4:22:18 PM] HumiliatingYou: Take pics of you as you're struggling.  Send them to the other trainers, and then laugh about you.

[4:22:26 PM] stoopid fag: as good as Your body looks, kink aside, it would probably be well worth it!

[4:22:47 PM] HumiliatingYou: Sit on your face while you're bench pressing.  That'd be awesome.  haha

[4:23:00 PM] HumiliatingYou: Then fart on your face.

[4:23:04 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol

[4:23:13 PM] stoopid fag: id never wanna end those sets

[4:23:34 PM] HumiliatingYou: You'd be my special client.  My special little moronic client.

[4:24:07 PM] HumiliatingYou: Rest my armpit on your face while you're doing sets.

[4:24:27 PM] stoopid fag: id probably start working out everyday!

[4:24:39 PM] HumiliatingYou: Whatever it takes, fagboi!

[4:25:18 PM] stoopid fag: fitness is important!

[4:25:42 PM] HumiliatingYou: Absolutely.  Being laughed at is worth it, isn't it?

[4:26:11 PM] stoopid fag: warms my soul to know I can make at least one person smile

[4:26:12 PM] HumiliatingYou: You'd be sporting a little woody the whole time.

[4:26:23 PM] HumiliatingYou: I'd make you wear lycra shorts.

[4:26:41 PM] stoopid fag: as long as they aint bright ones!

[4:26:47 PM] HumiliatingYou: They'd be white.

[4:26:59 PM] HumiliatingYou: And see-through.  No underwear allowed.

[4:27:06 PM] stoopid fag: woah!

[4:27:12 PM] stoopid fag: :$

[4:27:20 PM] stoopid fag: as hard and leaking as i'll be!?

[4:27:34 PM] HumiliatingYou: With a wet, sticky spot up front.

[4:27:46 PM] HumiliatingYou: Major fag.

[4:27:48 PM] stoopid fag: some might even smell it

[4:27:57 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol...  Ewww...

[4:28:04 PM] stoopid fag: yknow that pre smell lol

[4:28:16 PM] HumiliatingYou: All the more reason to sit on your face.

[4:28:40 PM] stoopid fag: lose myself in Your ass while I pump the iron

[4:29:02 PM] HumiliatingYou: Yeah, and leave your wallet out.  I'll help myself as I'm sitting there and you're struggling.

[4:29:31 PM] stoopid fag: thinking about shooting some whiskey, do You mind?

[4:29:50 PM] HumiliatingYou: Nah.  Just shoot me something while you're at it.  ;)

[4:30:09 PM] stoopid fag: naturally

[4:30:15 PM] stoopid fag: :D

[4:30:25 PM] HumiliatingYou:

[4:30:39 PM] HumiliatingYou: Jump through that hoop, boi.  I know you can do it!  lol

[4:30:58 PM] stoopid fag: did I evolve to show dog, lol?

[4:31:14 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol...  You're at stupid human tricks for now

[4:31:31 PM] stoopid fag: arf arf!

[4:32:00 PM] HumiliatingYou: That's it.  Make a fool out of yourself for me, dogboi!

[4:32:14 PM] HumiliatingYou: Bark as you send that cash, okay?

[4:32:21 PM] HumiliatingYou: Makes you look even more ridiculous.

[4:32:54 PM] stoopid fag: woof!

[4:33:01 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol

[4:33:01 PM] stoopid fag: thank You Sir

[4:33:04 PM] stoopid fag: now for some shots lol

[4:33:19 PM] HumiliatingYou: Have one for me too.

[4:33:33 PM] stoopid fag: You betcha!

[4:34:03 PM] stoopid fag: shot 1

[4:34:26 PM] HumiliatingYou: How's it taste?

[4:34:48 PM] stoopid fag: like a Thursday morning hangover

[4:34:55 PM] stoopid fag: shot 2

[4:35:04 PM] stoopid fag: actually pretty good, Sir, thanks for letting me take a few

[4:35:40 PM] HumiliatingYou: Anytime.  Send a double to me, dumbass.

[4:35:45 PM] HumiliatingYou: Since you're on a roll.

[4:36:06 PM] stoopid fag: another two shots?

[4:36:36 PM] HumiliatingYou: You never paid for the first one, fagboi.

[4:36:59 PM] HumiliatingYou: You're not too bright, are ya.  ha...

[4:37:10 PM] stoopid fag: swear I did

[4:37:35 PM] HumiliatingYou: What did you send, stupid?

[4:37:56 PM] stoopid fag: okay not seeing it on my sent, and didn't get a confirm email one sec will try once more

[4:38:05 PM] HumiliatingYou: Good faggot.

[4:38:19 PM] HumiliatingYou: Feels good to humiliate yourself, doesn't it?

[4:38:40 PM] stoopid fag: mmm yes Sir!

[4:38:46 PM] stoopid fag: will feel even better witth more shots lol

[4:38:50 PM] HumiliatingYou: Go for it!

[4:39:08 PM] HumiliatingYou: How often do you do shots?

[4:40:13 PM] stoopid fag: lol no real limit on that, but my whiskey is toward the bottom of the container

[4:41:19 PM] HumiliatingYou: Guess you're a low-dollar cashfag - but hopefully a high frequency one.

[4:41:57 PM] stoopid fag: I do what I can, Sir!

[4:42:03 PM] stoopid fag: thankful You accepted it

[4:42:13 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol...  And I'm happy to take advantage, dumbass!

[4:42:44 PM] stoopid fag: another shot or two, Sir?

[4:42:50 PM] HumiliatingYou: As your trainer, I'd be sure to wear an "I'm With Stupid" t-shirt.

[4:43:09 PM] stoopid fag: maybe mine could say "stoopid fag"

[4:43:09 PM] HumiliatingYou: Definitely.  And double up on that payment, stupid.  

[4:43:24 PM] HumiliatingYou: stoopid fag would be perfect.

[4:44:10 PM] stoopid fag: another one already? and double the amount?

[4:44:31 PM] HumiliatingYou: Hell yes.  I want to smile big before you pass out.

[4:45:04 PM] stoopid fag: I know You're worth and deserve and get way more, but that's a bit too rapid for me to be completely honest, Sir :(

[4:45:14 PM] HumiliatingYou: No problem.

[4:45:29 PM] HumiliatingYou: All fags need to be pushed a little bit.

[4:45:49 PM] HumiliatingYou: I just want you to be the stoopid fagEST fag you can be for me.  Got it?

[4:45:50 PM] stoopid fag: shot 3

[4:46:00 PM] HumiliatingYou: That's it, boi.  Get stoopid fag!

[4:46:23 PM] stoopid fag: why does that sound so hot and appealing?

[4:46:39 PM] HumiliatingYou: Because you're a moron at heart, and you know it.

[4:46:48 PM] HumiliatingYou: I'm just enabling you to be what you've always wanted to be.

[4:46:58 PM] stoopid fag: and what's that Boss?

[4:47:18 PM] stoopid fag: shot 4

[4:47:19 PM] HumiliatingYou: You know what it is.  It's your new nickname:  stoopid fag

[4:47:54 PM] HumiliatingYou: That whiskey is gonna be really good for your fat belly too.  :P

[4:48:31 PM] stoopid fag: :( I don't wanna be fat, just stoopid fag

[4:48:40 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol..  We can arrange that

[4:49:02 PM] stoopid fag: does the doc recommend more stoopid fag shots?

[4:49:20 PM] stoopid fag: more injections of stoopid fag juice?

[4:49:26 PM] HumiliatingYou: Yeah.  But you've done 4 shots now?

[4:49:38 PM] stoopid fag: yes Boss

[4:49:44 PM] HumiliatingYou: And you've only paid for two.

[4:50:18 PM] HumiliatingYou: Better catch up, boi.

[4:50:44 PM] stoopid fag: haha I can't possibly afford to pay by the shot! but i'll send another tribute

[4:50:55 PM] HumiliatingYou: I'd hate to put you on my shit list.

[4:51:19 PM] stoopid fag: please no Sir!

[4:51:22 PM] stoopid fag: woof!

[4:51:34 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol...  That's it, baby!  Bark for me!  Bark for me!  lol

[4:51:47 PM] stoopid fag: OINK!

[4:52:01 PM] HumiliatingYou: Fuck... You're both a dog and a pig.  I should've known.

[4:52:17 PM] stoopid fag: imma lot of things :P

[4:52:23 PM] HumiliatingYou: I'm learning that.

[4:52:38 PM] HumiliatingYou: How are you feeling right now, piglet?

[4:53:08 PM] stoopid fag: :( too sober

[4:53:22 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol....  Better take another shot then.

[4:53:31 PM] stoopid fag: hell yeah!

[4:53:51 PM] HumiliatingYou: That's it.  Fuck yourself for my entertainment.

[4:54:08 PM] stoopid fag: mmmm even better when put that way

[4:54:20 PM] HumiliatingYou: Absolutely.  It's all about what you can do for ME.

[4:54:25 PM] HumiliatingYou: You know that, right?

[4:55:02 PM] stoopid fag: oh I know!

[4:56:15 PM] HumiliatingYou: You get horny when you do this?  Or just sauced?

[4:56:54 PM] stoopid fag: shot 5

[4:56:57 PM] stoopid fag: horny :D

[4:57:11 PM] HumiliatingYou: Are you pulling on that little prick of yours?

[4:57:28 PM] stoopid fag: rubbing it incessantly!

[4:57:50 PM] HumiliatingYou: Yeah, it's nice to have a dominant guy tell you to drink up and pay for it, isn't it?

[4:58:14 PM] stoopid fag: nice to have a Real Man humiliate me

[4:58:30 PM] HumiliatingYou: If I was there, I'd tape a funnel in your mouth and pour the shots down your throat every 5 minutes.

[4:58:42 PM] stoopid fag: sounds like a party, Sir!

[4:58:45 PM] HumiliatingYou: You'd look ridiculous.  It'd be great!

[4:58:55 PM] HumiliatingYou: Would make a great video.

[4:58:57 PM] stoopid fag: no real change lol

[4:59:00 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol

[4:59:24 PM] HumiliatingYou: You'd be sure to have a good time every time I'm with you.  ;)

[4:59:37 PM] stoopid fag: Id be staring like a school girl

[4:59:50 PM] HumiliatingYou: Yeah, and a stupid one at that

[4:59:58 PM] stoopid fag: stoopid fag!

[5:00:04 PM] HumiliatingYou: YEAH!

[5:00:28 PM] stoopid fag: shot time, You say?

[5:00:30 PM] stoopid fag: okay Sir!

[5:00:37 PM] HumiliatingYou: It's definitely time again.

[5:00:52 PM] stoopid fag: how many this time?

[5:01:10 PM] HumiliatingYou: Make it a triple.

[5:01:17 PM] HumiliatingYou: Be a fuckin man.

[5:01:24 PM] stoopid fag: bahahaha

[5:01:28 PM] stoopid fag: impossible but okay

[5:01:32 PM] stoopid fag: shot 6

[5:01:37 PM] HumiliatingYou: lol...  Yeah, I agree, but what the hell...give it a try.

[5:01:54 PM] stoopid fag: one more thing to laugh to laugh at me for failing

[5:02:17 PM] HumiliatingYou: And send another tribute, dumbass.

[5:02:26 PM] HumiliatingYou: You're falling way behind.

[5:02:39 PM] stoopid fag: shot 7

[5:02:53 PM] stoopid fag: sorry Sir, please don't let me fall behind on shots

[5:03:24 PM] HumiliatingYou: Gonna let you go for now, faggot.

[5:03:52 PM] stoopid fag: shot 8, may I go ahead and send that tribute though?

[5:04:02 PM] HumiliatingYou: Definitely.  Do it

[5:04:43 PM] stoopid fag: woof!

[5:04:45 PM] stoopid fag: thanks Boss

[5:04:55 PM] stoopid fag: shame You're headin out. still got at least two more shots left in bottle

[5:05:00 PM] HumiliatingYou: Good dog.

[5:05:21 PM] HumiliatingYou: Yep.  Gotta go.  Save those shots.

[5:05:47 PM] HumiliatingYou: Get a funnel and tape it into your mouth for me, then take a pic and send it to me.

[5:06:05 PM] stoopid fag: don't do pics, but hot idea, Sir!

[5:06:11 PM] stoopid fag: cant wait for more. this was hella fun!

[5:06:42 PM] HumiliatingYou: Glad I could help, faggot.  You've given me a good story to tell the guys at the gym.  Later!  ;)


[5:06:54 PM] stoopid fag: awesome! have a good work out! bye

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