It's small change, but I still find these faggot compulsions so damn interesting. Just have to share the exchanges.
faggot_vk: hi sir
AndYouLookStupid: Hey stupid.
faggot_vk: Hi God
AndYouLookStupid: lol...
AndYouLookStupid: Yeah, the 'god' who laughs at you.
AndYouLookStupid: What did you think about our conversation yesterday?
faggot_vk: it was good sir
AndYouLookStupid: Good. I'm glad you feel good about being ripped off.
faggot_vk: I am grateful sir
AndYouLookStupid: lol... Loser.
AndYouLookStupid: Those fees were really starting to add up.
faggot_vk: Yes it is a lot, I prefer small amount so I don't see them going away
AndYouLookStupid: That's good to know. Well, but you kept asking for more, so I was glad to give them to you.
faggot_vk: You are really generous
AndYouLookStupid: I know.
AndYouLookStupid: Too generous sometimes.
faggot_vk: i Like paying lots of taxes but small ones
faggot_vk: Im lucky you are there for me sir
AndYouLookStupid: Alright. So should I look at what you owed me and see if I can reduce the fees for you?
faggot_vk: Please sir
AndYouLookStupid: Okay. Hold on.
AndYouLookStupid: Here's the last thing I said to you yesterday: You've added 2820 characters, so that $28.20 + $10 payment fee + $5 counting fee + $5.49. Add it all up, fucker.
AndYouLookStupid: But here's what I can do for you...
AndYouLookStupid: The character fee won't change, but I can eliminate the other fees - just this once.
faggot_vk: Is it true ? Thank you sir
AndYouLookStupid: I'll even let you break up your payment so that it seems easy. Instead of sending $28.20, you'll send four payments of $7.05.
AndYouLookStupid: Send the first one now.
faggot_vk: Can I pay one of 7,05 then be put in debt to you ?
AndYouLookStupid: Yes, but you know there's going to be a service charge for that, don't you?
faggot_vk: Yes sir
AndYouLookStupid: Alright. Pay the $7.05. You'll then owe 5% interest per day on the remaining three payments.
faggot_vk: Is the 5percent is on for the first payment sir ?
AndYouLookStupid: No.
faggot_vk: paid sir
faggot_vk: thank you
AndYouLookStupid: No problem, faggot. You also owe me $10 just for contacting me today.
faggot_vk: Is this a fagtax ?
AndYouLookStupid: No. We discussed this yesterday. Is $10 too much for you? Are you already becoming a broke faggot?
faggot_vk: No sir
AndYouLookStupid: Then pay it, asshole.
faggot_vk: I forgot we discussed this i must have mixed the 10 i pay with the character fee
AndYouLookStupid: lol... Oh yeah, there's that too. Want to know how much you owe me for today - so far?
faggot_vk: Yes sir
AndYouLookStupid: $25.33
AndYouLookStupid: Sucks to be you, doesn't it.
faggot_vk: Yes sir
AndYouLookStupid: I think we're going to have to end this until you make your past due payments from yesterday.
faggot_vk: Thank you sir
AndYouLookStupid: lol..
faggot_vk: So what do i pay now and what is it put into the debt amount ?
AndYouLookStupid: When you send your next payment of $7.05, we can talk again.
faggot_vk: cant' i pay the 10 dollar and the 25,33 now ?
AndYouLookStupid: Sure. Go for it, but you'll still owe three more payments of $7.05 each.
faggot_vk: Yes sir of course thanks for taking care of my debt
AndYouLookStupid: Just send the $35.33, jackass.
faggot_vk: sent sir
AndYouLookStupid: Good job. Pretty stupid, though, don't you think?
faggot_vk: i dont know sir why ?
AndYouLookStupid: lol... Oh, okay. Nevermind. We'll just consider these payments to be perfectly legitimate and necessary.
AndYouLookStupid: Alright, so I've crossed the $35.33 off of your account. That leaves you with a balance of $21.15.
faggot_vk: I don't understand
faggot_vk: what are the 21,15
AndYouLookStupid: $7.05 x 3 = $21.15 (from yesterday).
faggot_vk: Yes sir right
AndYouLookStupid: Gets confusing, doesn't it, faggot?
faggot_vk: Yes sir but you are here for me
AndYouLookStupid: Oh yeah. I just want to help you soooo much.
faggot_vk: Thank you sir
AndYouLookStupid: Good thing I waived those payment fees. You'd owe even more.
faggot_vk: You are really helping me
AndYouLookStupid: lol... Yeah, well, that's just the kind of guy I am. I chat with another guy on the phone and "help" him that way.
AndYouLookStupid: What's going on, faggot? Have you had enough for today?
faggot_vk: I love speaking with you sir
AndYouLookStupid: lol... Yeah? Why?
faggot_vk: because you find ways to drain me sir
AndYouLookStupid: LOL
AndYouLookStupid: It's a party for you and me, faggot.
AndYouLookStupid: Great party, don't you think?
faggot_vk: yes sir
AndYouLookStupid: Yeah, I sure as hell do.
AndYouLookStupid: Let's see what you owe me now, dipshit...
faggot_vk: about the party ?
AndYouLookStupid: $20.81
AndYouLookStupid: That's in addition to the $21.15 still left over from yesterday.
AndYouLookStupid: You always seem to be behind on your payments, aren't you, cockboy.
faggot_vk: Yes sir sorry is there a late fee ?
AndYouLookStupid: There sure as hell is.
faggot_vk: I am lost with my taxes too is there weekly tax to pay or fagtax ?
AndYouLookStupid: But if you catch up with your payments right now, there won't be a late fee.
AndYouLookStupid: There's no weekly tax until you catch up with your payments - but then - BAM! - the weekly tax kicks in.
faggot_vk: 14,10 sent sir
AndYouLookStupid: Good job, faggot. You're catching up. Only $27.86 left now.
AndYouLookStupid: The weekly tax will be 5% of your total payments for the week.
faggot_vk: Thank you sir
AndYouLookStupid: Anytime, loser. You're good at this, so I like to treat you right.
faggot_vk: Do I have the right to make a last payment to catch on my debt sir ?
faggot_vk: or di I have to pay to make it ?
AndYouLookStupid: You have a right to make your last payment. But don't worry, there will always be another one - right after you make your next payment.
AndYouLookStupid: Come on, faggot. Catch up.
faggot_vk: paid sir
faggot_vk: 10,10
AndYouLookStupid: How the fuck did you come up with that amount?
faggot_vk: so that its more to lower my debt
AndYouLookStupid: lol... But you still owe $17.76.
AndYouLookStupid: When you make the wrong payment, there's a penalty fee.
faggot_vk: thank you sir
faggot_vk: how much is it ?
AndYouLookStupid: 10% gets added on to the balance, so now you owe $19.54
faggot_vk: Can i pay it so i don't have debt ?
AndYouLookStupid: See what happens when you fuck up?
faggot_vk: I am sorry sir
AndYouLookStupid: Yes. Pay the $19.54 and you'll be caught up (almost).
faggot_vk: almost ?
AndYouLookStupid: Well yeah. You owe me for the chat since I gave you the last character count total.
AndYouLookStupid: Pay it, fucker.
faggot_vk: I'll wait the other time to pay it togther
faggot_vk: I have to go its late
AndYouLookStupid: Alright. You'll owe a late fee tomorrow.
faggot_vk has signed out. (4/23/2012 2:51 PM)
Last message received on 4/23 at 2:50 PM