by on March 10, 2016

Its been a while since I have written anything so I thought I would do an update after talking with some fags and other Dom/dommes.

Lately I have been seeing how much things have changed in just the last few years and how much the findom scene has changed, and not for the better. Most here don't know anything about findom or where it came for or what its original purpose was. Today its all just about spoiled kids begging for money to support their drug habits while they scream obcenities and call that being dominant. I remember when we just used to kick back relax, shoot the shit about current events, new, politics, sports, etc etc while subs/slaves worshiped us  like teeny bopper fangirls, that was just 5 years ago. Times have changed.

In the begining.

Originally Findom was apart of the sub set of Mircomanagment domination. In which a Dom/domme would assume total comtrol over their sub/slave. Telling them what to eat, when to sleep, what clothes to wear and keep them on shedules. This was designed as a method of improving the sub/slave. This was especially good for subs/slaves who were poor at managing their own lives, and many Dom/dommes enjoyed the power they had over that sub.

Financal domination started as part of this and in the begining the Dom/domme got NO MONEY from it. None at all. The Dom/domme simple assumed control over the finances to ensure that the sub/slave paid their bills and didn't waste they money on things that were pointless, while putting the extra aside in saving for a rainy day. This was very beinifcal to both the Sub/slave and the Dom/Domme as that was one less problem that they had to deal with.

Now at some point some more selfish Dom/dommes at that time took the extra money they were "keeping safe". But what ever not really the point.

Along came the internet and introduced another generation to BDSM, openning up a larger pool of potental dom/domme and sub/slave relationhips. Dom/Dommes would just  hang out on sites and in chats shooting the shit on current events, politics, news, sports, etc etc. No fronting or advertiseing, because they didn't have too, it was clear that they just were. Sub/slaves would worship them like teeny bopper fangirls, offering to send them gifts to spoil them. The Dom/dommes never ask, because they didn't have to. Asking for money or gifts from a sub was seen as pathetic. Having to rely on a sub for support was a sign of weakness.

Of course at that same time the internet also opened up to cam whores, who saw BDSM as a way to expand their market to new clientel. Promising to dominate people in excange for cash. Then the scene was taken over by cam whores who would do anything for money, even subbing and gay for pay. They saw it not as domination but as an easy way for lazy people with no skills to make money.

When a new generation started to come to legal age and got into the scene they saw Findom as a easy source of cash like the cam whores. But because they were not actual dom/dommes and had horrible personalities due to being spoiled they would demand cash from sub/slaves and become very hostile and aggressive, or lead them to create vulgar personas that they mistook for "dominant". Eventually when that didn't work they began to try to manufacture sucess thinging that if they make others people think they were really sucessful then the subs/slaves would thinking they were good doms and come serve them.

While this did work a little bit, newer naive members saw these people putting on acts and beleived it, so they imitated that bad example and it spread. As the older dom/dommes moved on these kids continued to spread to the point that most subs/slaves now no longer have any clue what a real dom/domme or domination really is.
This faux persona of the adusive dom/domme just demanding cash spread and turned a lot of subs/slaves off as well as dom/dommes. It got to the point where it began to cause problems, sites begain shutting down their chats, banning findom, closing their findom rooms or sites completely. As that happened there became fewer and fewer subs/slaves which lead to more problems, such as flake/fakes Dom/dommes and Subs/slaves. Subs creating Master profiles just to try to get some easy money, and other generally destructive habits.

Masters who used to be respectful knowledgalbe and self improving, are now replaced with spoiled kids who demand money to support their drug habits.

There are only a few people left who make money compared to how many there used to be, and of them even fewer are real masters.

Now days all you need to be a Findom is to call your self a master and demand money. That is not real Dominance.

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