by on January 31, 2015


MJ’s rules for slaves


1 – Master Jan is to be addressed as Master, King, Lord or Sir.

2 – Serve Master Jan as if your well being depends on being pleasing!

3 – Do not speak unless spoken to and never look Master Jan directly in the eyes unless He tells you to!

4 – Master Jan is, by definition, never wrong. Slaves always have the last word in any disagreement the words "Yes, Master Jan!”

5 – Slaves do not use the first person pronoun. There is not "I", "me" or "mine" in a slave’s vocabulary.

6 – Perfection of Service and Submission is the goal, mere excellence will be tolerated. Perform all ordered actions in a timely fashion and to the best of your ability!

7 – Gratitude to Master Jan for allowing you to serve Him should be regular and forthcoming without any need to be requested.

8 – If there are none requiring service, use the time to work and make money! Do not be idle!

9 – Slaves have no rights and they posses nothing.

10 – The merest whim of Master Jan is your highest law.

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