by on December 1, 2014


I, the worthless slave _____________________ hereinafter referred to as "slave", submit, of my own free will, to MASTER JAN hereinafter referred to as "MASTER", and agree to the following terms and conditions as stated in this Contract of Slavery.

Article I
I am a slave and the owned property of my MASTER.

Article II
I agree to complete and instant obedience of any command from my MASTER.

Article III
I agree to be trained in any manner my MASTER wishes.

Article IV
I agree to abandon my own sense of humanity and desires and ambitions. I am just property and property does not possess rights.

Article V
I agree and will submit to any discipline or punishment my MASTER sees fit.

Article VI
I agree and will strive diligently to re-mold my pathetic body, habits, and attitudes in accordance with the MASTER's desires.

Article VII

I agree to seek, during the enslavement, to learn how to please the MASTER better, and will gracefully accept any criticism in whatever form the master chooses


Article VIII

I agree to pay a $70 ownership fee to my MASTER’s Paypal account, in maximum 12 hours after signing this contract.


Article IX

I agree to pay a $40 monthly fee to my MASTER’s Paypal account.

I understand that as a slave I have no rights of revocation and that disobedience in any form will result in painful, mental and physical punishment. I, further, release the "MASTER" from any past, present, or future liability in connection with or as a result of this agreement.

I, therefore agree to, by the affixation of my signature, this Contract of Slavery and freely give myself to the "MASTER".

_____________________ / _____________

signature of slave / Date

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