D. White
by on March 25, 2012

There has been a vast number of informational  pieces written on this site and others in the past week or so.  Its my analytical nature that is causing me to take a step back and ask a few questions.  

 I  heard a quote before.  and im really not sure who said it first. but it simply says the following

 "Now in our culture weve been trained for individual differences to stand out. So you look at each person immediately as who they are.  Righter, Dumber ,Older,  Richer, Poorer.  and you make all these dimenstional distinctions. put them in categories and treat them that way.  And we get so that we only see others as seperate from ourselves. "

It basically goes on to say that when you can realize the ways in which they are alike and not seperate from yourself can you become one.    

And i think the point is very valid. Being a Master isnt about dimentional differences like  being Straight . Or Gay. Its always been more to it.  Even now.  when bombarded by what you slaves consider fakes.  Its truly 100%  not our job to weed this out.  We do what we can.  But the responsibility inevitably falls on your shoulders.   Its your job as someone who wants to break the self-defeating mode youve been in for frankly years and years.  Its soley your job as a slave to do the due diligence.  Research who your dealing with.  ask lots of questions.  DONT GIVE OUT INFO.    

If you as a Slave truly want a long standing relationship with the master.  You must wise the fuck up.  The world isnt a pitty party or a bunch of people sitting back reminiscing about past times. 10-15 Years ago you didnt have to worry about online scams. or credit card theft.  You are in a different time now. You as a human being have to get past that.  its the only way to personally evolve.  and thus the only way the scene is going to evolve.  Because As a slave it is only your fault if your taken for a fool.  its only your fault if your provide pictures to a master who then exploits you.  or gives them passwords or tv access or  bank information.  its like  posting your Social Security number on your van. driving around.  and thinking to myself that its the theifs fault for stealing it.  You can only protect yourselves so much. But i firmly believe that you are only doing a fraction of what you could be. 

As with this grandoise fantasy of what slavery is.  is simply a matter of personal opionin.  for every guy that says gay bashing is horrific.  There is some fucking fool slave who sees it otherwise. And its obvious with everything else in your life.  That you sometimes cant beging to comprehend why certain people do certain things. You need to stop trying.  Ownership can mean a lot of things.  The owner can either see their things as priceless .  or pieces of shit.   Just the same for the slave that seeks out a master that sees him as piece of furniture instead of a household pet  which is more family oriented , the end result is the same.  You are specifically responsible for your choice of who owns you.  In addition i am here to say that there will never ever be a 100% safe situation online. But thats part of this process.  being a slave was never about comfort and conveinance.  It was about putting yourself out there.  Finding a good Owner.  One who will push you.  Guide You.  And in the end.  Treat you like you deserve to be treated. 

 I'd also like to point out. That there is very rarely ever a non-sexual expectation on at least one end.  The way i see it your fault being a member of sites that constently bombard you with SEXUAL CAM Ads.  or MEET UP TO FUCK ads.  all over their shit.  its obvious at that point as to what the reason for the sites existence is and what is actually paying for the shit you use for free.  and i guarentee that its not you.  Especially not the ones that are the mouthiest.  So i guess my question is.  Who the fuck and what the fuck are you trying to change?.  If you honestly want change you need to man the fuck up.  Take responsibility for yourself.  and Make the change yourself.  That means.  if you dislike a certain breed of masters. You dont give them ownership of you.  In addition  you fucking make your own website.  And make your own attempt to weed out the dribble.  To use a service.  especially one that you dont pay for.  and complain about anything that happens is counter intuitive.  

What you guys are saying is that what you want doesnt exist yet.  Everytime you guys open your mouth.  What you tell me.  Is your more keen to wasting priceless time. Time that could be spent on creating something else.  and instead spend equal time pursuading  others to do it for you.  Now this must be said.  if its meant for informational reasons its one thing.  but if your truly trying to change something. its the wrong way to go about it.  

Unlike you, We did something about what we saw.  And in the end i am 99% satisfied with the way this site operates.  That includes having the various fauxs that somehow slip by.  Because in reality.  I firmly believe that you will never realize One. how good you truly have it.  And Two. What exactly you want out of this.  without them.   I think its also important to add that We as owners of this site dont think like criminals.  So its literally impossible for us to forsea all means of exploitation that can happen.   With every feature  added there are new exploits to be had.  

In the end stop resisting Change.  Because its truly inevitable. Instead Learn to function within it.   Be Safe,  Protect Yourself As much as You Can.  And stop blaming organizations or even people for the way things are.  Because There is always 1000s of  other unseen pieces to the puzzle.  

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