Buffalo Muscle/Master Nick
by on February 10, 2014

 The following convo between Me and a faggot who saw My Tumblr page took place over a two day period. It was a very long exchange, so a few parts have been edited out for the fag’s privacy and also to make the convo more easily understood.

It is important to know that this particular fag did not have that much experience with the financial domination scene, and never served a superior in that manner, although it is familiar with Master/slave dynamics and was clearly willing to please Me in My role as a cash Master. I felt that reading this convo would serve as a very good guide to those inferiors who, like this faggot, are curious about cash slavery and need good instruction if they wish to satisfy their craving to properly serve superior Alpha men. Patience is required for this kind of work, and since I have been at this for several years, I have become very skilled at what I do.

To the fag’s credit, it was very respectful and obedient to Me at all times, so I did not have to train it in those areas. Also, the fag knew enough not to demand cam time from Me after the initial tribute, used proper capitalization (lower case for referring to itself, upper case for Me) and used “$” in place  of “s”-- all good signs. ( I find that the “$” thing can sometimes get tiresome, but I went ahead and used it in My responses to the fag throughout the convo as well, as it seemed like good encouragement for reconditioning its attitude and obviously turned the fag on, feeling at one point, in its own words, like an “aroused bitch”).


(After some initial conversation)

fag: What's Your pp, Ma$ter?

(Told the fag My paypal address)

fag: Ca$h $ent to Ma$ter. No need to get on cam, knowing my place anyway, Bo$$

fag: Almo$t forgot: thank You, $ir!

Me: Nice tribute bitch. But honestly you'd have to step it up to be in the same league as My regular ca$h faggots. But good effort .

fag: $orry Ma$ter, didn't want to put You off and $how the re$pect You de$erve. What'$ Your price?

Me: Initial entry into My $table is $35 minimum but $50 shows more reverence for the Ma$ter.

fag: additional 25 buck$ $ent making it a total of 40 to $how You it i$ not the lea$t amount i'm tributing to wor$hip the Bo$$ - thank$ again, Ma$ter!

Me: Well done. Not up to My usual $tandards, but the fag 's sincerity and deference toward its $uperior is undeniable. I see promi$e here, and the potential to become a genuine, natural born ca$hfaggot. Keep visiting My Tumblr page and feel free to submit or comment.

fag: Your word i$ my command, Bo$$.Not $ure whether i can afford $uch a high $tandard $uperior, but willing to check Your tumblr page, a$ the $pirit of $ubmi$$ion and Domination i$ hitting my mind and wallet.

Me: Good to hear. The $uffering caused by My high standard is a good thing for you. It is a painful plea$ure for the novice ca$hfag and will be a good motivator to trying to plea$e its Ma$ter. The plea$ures the ca$hfag gets will far outweigh the pain. Some of My fag ATM's have even told Me that when they hit "send money" they cum instantly. Welcome your new feeling$ of financial $ubmission. They will bring you great plea$ure as well as benefitting the BO$$.

fag: Yeah, plea$ure and pain are clo$ely linked to one another, and in the end it i$ all about $erving to the benefit of the Alpha Bo$$

Me: The faggot under$tands the ba$ics. This is good. It's a win-win $ituation for both. The ca$hfaggot win$ more feeling$ of domination and $ubmission for it$elf, which it need$ and really crave$.  And the BO$$ laughs all the way to the bank.

fag: $hould have better given You the whole 50 buck$ to make Bo$$ laugh.

Me: Let's $ave that for the next $e$$ion. I'm $ure there will be one very $oon.

fag: Feeling the Power of Your word$, being convinced of the truth in what You $ay, looking at the Tumblr $ite of a true Profe$$ional Alpha

Me: The faggot has very good ta$te I $ee. Been at this $everal year$, and the BO$$ know$ what makes a faggot brain tick. $tudy every $ingle Tumblr entry carefully and with $erious attention. And don't be alarmed if you $tart to feel differently from your previously held, routine ideas of "submission". This is a new form of $ubmi$$ion. It is a new tran$formation of the fagbrain. Embrace and welcome it.

fag: doing a$ told, $ubmitting to Your order$, trying to open my mind for new experience$ under Your $uperior Guidance and Control. Already have looked at $ome me$$age$ and pic$, but lot$ more to $tudy a$ being told to do $o and obey Your command$, BO$$

Me: Take your time, no hurry. Patience is required while the fagbrain readju$t$ to its new way of thinking and its new purpo$e of plea$ing the BO$$. My Tumblr page is not to be consumed all at once, like these slutty faggot whores do, but $avored $lowly over time until the New Purpo$e reveals itself. And just for the record, amount of tribute is not more important than the proper attitude, sincerity and re$pect with which any given tribute is offered to the BO$$. Rate$ can be rai$ed later and usually are, in many cases at the request of the ATM fag, not by the BO$$.

fag: Wanting to offer You another tribute. You de$erve it for giving me $uch valuable advice, feeling thi$ i$ my duty and will to $how re$pect and wor$hip to $uch an experienced BO$$!

Me: Excellent progre$$ion. I will allow it. Proceed to paypal faggot.

fag: Thank You, BO$$, logging in a$ being told.

Me: Best to focus on one of My pics when you hit "$end".

fag: Pic cho$en http://masternick97.tumblr.com/post/74449392737. Preparing tribute to BO$$.

Me: Very good choice. Proceed.

fag: On my knee$, looking at Your pic

fag: Ca$h $ent

Me: And ca$h received. BO$$ would like to know how it felt this time, now that it has gotten further introductory human ATM training and looked at the pic as it $ent its re$pect.

fag: Adrenaline flowing into my head, BO$$, feeling overpowered at the $ight of Your boot$, glove$ and belt a$ Your word$ enter my brain, helping me further to $erve You right. Thank You BO$$ for accepting my tribute.

Me: No problem at all. My time is valuable, but I always enjoy training new fag ATM$. I a$$ume it was arou$ed when it served the BO$$ the second time. But might I add that many of My other financial $lave$ use other enhancement techniques while "$ending". If the faggot does poppers, these are frequently u$ed to great effect and plea$ure for the ATM fag. Also, I don't know if the faggot knows what Team Viewer is, but it is also very effective , as the fag's computer mouse is temporarily di$abled and the Ma$ter takes over the fag's computer $creen, while the fag passively watches its account being drained. Also, cam calls are common and very effective as well. The BO$$ allows the ATM whore to view Him as He drains, sometimes while He $moke$ an expensive Cuban cigar (paid for by the fag of course) and/or the BO$$ views the cam of the ATM whore, who more often than not does acts of humiliation for the amu$ement of the BO$$. These are but a few ca$hrape enhancement techniques.

fag: Never did anything like thi$, BO$$, You truly are experienced in every way. In term$ of ca$h, Your aroused bitch will have to $ort thing$ out a$ it won't be able to pay 80 buck$ very often, but it ju$t felt like the right thing to do for compen$ating Your valuable time You inve$ted in teaching thi$ $lut a le$$on.

Me: No problem, and the BO$$ understands the faggot's financial limitations. I may use parts of this conversation in My Tumblr for potential ATM fag victim$ to study and learn from. Many are not that intelligent, so this step by step guide between the two of us may be helpful to them when they read it. Looking forward to our next exchange $lut. Now that you've had a little ta$te, it will be interesting for Me to see how you progre$$, and remember, amounts are not as important as genuine devotion toward the BO$$.The newbie bitch learned its beginning le$$ons well. No doubt you will want to jerk off tonight when thinking about your fagbrain tran$formation. I will permit it. Also, know that the $lut can po$t its thought$ on its experience on My Tumblr for the benefit of the other lo$er$ to learn from, and perhaps be jealous of.

fag: Fuck, $o fucking hot! You make Your $lut feel proud to u$e thi$ encounter to lure more addict$ to Your $table. bitch didn't dare to a$k You, but obviou$ly You read my mind, getting even more hard reading Your announcement to publi$h thi$ le$$on a$ i do feel the need to jerk off to Your Domination. Thank$ for Your permi$$ion, BO$$, devoting my inferor load to the $uperior Ma$ter.

fag:  Your devoted bitch i$ a$king the BO$$ to be di$mi$$ed for now, thinking about the Ma$ter laughing on the way to Hi$ bank.

Me: Good little gay money$lut! Many of My ATM victim$ get off on promoting Me and the generous $ervice$ I so kindly provide to other weak fagbrain$ whose pur$es are ripe for the picking and who so obviously enjoy My degradation of whatever pride they have left. you should be happy to know that you will shortly be one of them when I post the text later on. Nice to know you feel that "pride" and that what you've done the past couple days will help to keep building My Empire of domination, fagbrain fucking, and reprogramming the purpose of inferior males, gay or straight. (Yes, I have "straight' male ca$h sluts as well, usually the married, suited executive CEO types, who recognize and pay (haha) homage to My natural $uperiority). And yes, I 'm good at reading fagbrains. No doubt you will blow another useless homo load when I post the text. This amu$es Me to no end. Later you fucking weak money bitch $$$!!! Laughing as I dismiss the arou$ed newbie ca$h pig.

(After about 5 minutes)

fag: Oh fuck it, needing to log into paypal again.

Me: And the addiction begin$...$weet.

fag: $ubmitting, feeling the Alpha Power in every $entence, wanted to go offline but can't leave Your $uperior me$$age uncommented.

Me: Very good gay trash ca$hwhore! Knock your weak self out. Amu$e Me and guide the other faggots to the addiction you're ju$t $tarting to feel...Embrace it you faggot.

fag: Another pic cho$en Sir http://masternick97.tumblr.com/post/73257890802/subhumanzero-icon-of-my-ca-h-god-and-master. Preparing tribute to add up to the even number You  de$erve.

Me: Again, good choice of pic. And yes, the $lut is catching on... I do like nice round figures...

Me: Looking at that particular pic must have made the faggot crazy as it hit "$end". That's a very powerful pic, I mu$t admit.

Me: Ca-ching!!!


fag:  Tran$action processed. 20 buck$ $ent making a total of 100 fucking dollar$ ca$h. Clo$e to $hooting my inferior wad a$ i look at Your middle finger $howing Your re$pect to Your $ervant$.

Me: fagca$h:  Mu$ic to My ears. Think of the other hand holding the 100 bucks you ju$t lo$t to Me homo, while the other flip$ you off.

fag: Na$ty evil fucker, not $ure how You did that, but it feel$ $o great, BO$$!

Me: See, I told you--plea$ure and pain. Did the beginning ca$hpiggy shoot its inferior load yet?

fag: No $ir, waiting for permi$$ion, not unloading without having been allowed.

Me: And yes, I am a perverted, nasty, manipulative a$$hole. And I love it.

Me: Ok then, now I want it to bring up a 3rd pic.

fag: Ye$ BO$$...

Me: Tell Me the pic and if I like it I will grant it permi$$ion.

fag: http://masternick97.tumblr.com/image/69316194218.

Me: HAHAA. I was going to suggest an alternative if it was NOT that pic.

fag: That'$ where the ca$h that was formerly mine went, to it'$ right place.

Me: Right place = presently now MY ca$h. Beautiful.

fag: Make up Your $ugge$tion, obeying Your command..

(fag goes a little stupid at this point and can’t think straight)

Me: No, I was going to make another suggestion if the faggot DIDN'T choose that icon. But it did. The fag is in good sync with the Ma$ter.

fag: $tarting to under$tand what You initially meant like hour$ ago, fuck!

Me: That letter was from a very wealthy and powerful CEO, and I might add, a very WEAK ca$h whore. Now start to stroke slowly but do not cum.

fag: Oh, i only $aw that ca$h at Your $tinkin $uperior feet to be wor$hipped and didn’t try to read the letter.

Me: That CEO faggot has disappeared for the moment, as you fickle fags often do. My gue$$ is that he'll be back, as often happens. Well, if you were able to read the words, they were hilarious. Prai$e for the MA$TER--over the top.

fag: Knowing how experienced You are, i'm $ure You'll be right with Your gue$$.

Me: Stroke a little faster now bitch.

 fag: Your word i$ my command, BO$$.

Me: $tare at that $weet pile of fagca$h at My Big Jock Feet. Imagine that you are placing 100's between each of My sweaty toes.

 fag: $$$niffin at the perfect view in adoration.

Me: Addicted

Me: Nice

Me: Embrace your weakne$$

Me: Now look up at Me

Me: Keep stroking faggot

Me: Open your fag mouth

fag: Fuck yeah, Ma$ter!

Me: And take My $uperior $pit.

fag: Tongue out

Me: The Bo$$'s precious loogie…

Me: In your ATM whore homo mouth

Me: Taste it

 fag: Droolin all over

Me: $wirl It around

fag: $avouring the cigar $cent of it

Me: Keep stroking you weak cunt

Me: Just about to ash My big $togie in its dirty fag mouth.

 fag: doing a$ being told, BO$$

Me: We are in $ync, MA$TER and $lave

Me: Now prepare to shoot that useless fag load… useless except for the ca$h I have milked from it..

fag: $howing Your $uperior $pit in my inferior cuntmouth BO$$!

Me: Nice

Me: Shoot while looking HARD at that icon bitch.

Me: NOW you piece of gay garbage!

Me: My new moneycunt $$$$$

 fag:  Ye$ BO$$, proceeding and reading, unable to write now

Me: That's fine. Tell Me when you're done while I reformat this text, your $urrender to Me. The text that all the other weak cunts on My Tumblr will see and most likely jerk off to, weak fagbrain cunt$ that they are. At least you appreciate My hard work, under$tand it. That's why recruitment is important. The text will help to win them over to My dark $ide. Where they belong. $uffering financial pain for the $uperior Man. The way nature intended.

 fag: Done BO$$, one $ec

Me: Congrats faggot! Now tell me if that wasn't better than all of your faggot sex that you've been having.

fag: Added an inferior load to Your $uperior $pit. Thank$ BO$$ for $haring thi$ experience.To be hone$t, it feel$ a bit weird, not under$tanding everything that happened, but it ju$t overcame me to $urrender.

Me: Ok give it time. Don't judge it.

Me: I had fun!

fag: i heard Your laugh acro$$ the ocean ;)

Me: And My evil grin...Well done today fag--you should be proud of plea$ing your new $uperior

fag: And the bitch congrat$ it$ DevilBO$$

Me: HAHA nice! Go and rest now. We will continue this later...

fag: A$king a $econd time to be di$mi$$ed, thi$ time for real...

Me: bitch i$ di$mi$$ed.

 fag: Alright BO$$, thank$, getting offline right away to avoid further pain (and plea$ure)


Me: Under$tood. Later homo.

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