by on December 5, 2013

Exactly six months ago I wrote part 1 of my new series. Go read that if you haven't. I'll do part 3 in 6 more months.

This section delves into the sick obscene depravity of the faggot slave's mind - many of which I've invaded and scarred beyond repair. What I found there while enslaving fags totally..would make any good moral person feel sick to their stomach, cringing in revulsion and realizing fully why these creatures carry such a huge burden of guilt, and will burn brightly forever if there's a hell.  The dirtiest, sickest and most wrong thoughts are common, everyday occurrences for faggots when they get the slightest bit excited. There's no moral filter there whatsoever. and they deem it acceptable by indulging in their disgusting pleasures.  When a fag is cruising the sites for a master, its integrity and judgment are tossed out the window. The fag just feels dirty and low, a sleazy fuck, just looking for something,anything to stimulate itself with, perhaps a picture or a comment.  This basic drive without conscious thought is the very same compulsion that a peanut-brain dinosaur of the cretaceous period would experience day to day.  Only the most basic of function, just blank nothingness.  Only dirty sick indulgence led by the sorry piece of shit between their pantyhose-covered legs.

But, it gets worse...

You're very likely this very same fag. Suddenly you get a thought in your head - you see a master like Me and want to confess yourself, reveal all the sick dirt you cant tell anyone in real life. Wanting to be that vile, sleazy whore you know you really are.  Inviting a master to use the hate you feel for yourself against you, and exploit you with it.  Motivated by a master's disdain and disregard for you, wanting to participate in your own self-destruction and be brought to the brink, thrillingly.... where there may be no going back. Wanting to be scarred and damaged, punished...for everything you've done and will do.  Everything you've thought and secretly pleasured yourself with.  Everything in a faggotslave seeks punishment, and rightfully so.  You approach Me...craving to be used, acceptable for something, wanting me to acknowledge your meaningless existence. You know the only thing you have to offer is your efforts and cash, and you know deep down that out of principle, you'd just leave the cash in a pile and slink away like a creature. But you can't.  Because the vile obsessions and twisted fantasies grip your simple mind...they take hold of you and you have to be controlled to save you from yourself. Fags who know they are hopeless and demented beyond reason are always in the most need of firm control.

You want to feel that choices are being made for you, so you don't have to feel the crushing weight of responsibility anymore. So that your limited capability in terms of proper, rational decision making won't have to be pushed so far.  So that you can relax and ease into your natural state without having to constantly strive to be a real person and repeatedly fail. Your basic sexualized drives, those of a retarded animal, can be managed by those more fitting and skilled than you. What a calming thought. How comforting that anytime life poses a challenge for you, you can resort to the simplest and most natural solution: consulting your master.  What should I do, you can ask...and you can freely absolve yourself of any personal responsibility, as your inner desires are telling you to do. What you want is to be free and to defer to Real People(tm) - you were never cut out to handle the important stuff anyway...that's why you're here. And to give it all up is to liberate yourself - you're happy to pay so that you don't have to decide anything.  Now,  a year or so has gone by, and no part of your life has been unaffected by my regime of absolute authority. You love calling me to ask if you can buy something. The budgets you're on are tough to stick to, but you secretly love cutting those coupons to stretch a few bucks. You've given it all up not just to pay your debt to society, (that your very presence was degrading)... but in service to your God.

The sick, twisted mind of a soulless faggot can be manipulated and molded like clay to practical uses, when the time is right.... that's when you realize...

That you know yourself too well - that the only thing that will do for you is total dictatorship.  You've slipped into it so much more easily than you thought - who knew it could be so easy for your limitations and self-imposed hangups to disappear, when your worthless life is at least being managed by a master who's superiority you've experienced and can trust? This is what fagslaves who have totally let go can feel and experience daily - when your time has been freed up to worship. This is when you've been given a shock to the system - and have a whole new lease on slavery and on life - motivated and thoughtful, thinking creatively of ways to be of better and more frequent use. Knowing that you've made me glad that I glance in your direction at all - and properly reward you for your loyalty.  You don't even care that you had suffer, sacrifice, and $erve all the way through to get there - that you've been a glorified bank machine for me to yank cash out of at will - you're way past being limited by fear. You've been invaded...I reached in and clutched your simple faggot brain and lobotimized you into an automatic servant. But not just any servant - you know there's a line behind you, and you want to be #1 on my list. That's why, every day you ask yourself "what can be done for my master today? what unexpected ways can I serve him that will be surprising?" Creativity and thoughtfulness have replaced what used to drive you into serving anyone and everyone.  You're shit and I hate you. But, you've found actual purpose.

** It's Ma$ter-KM, bitchez! **


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