IM May 11, 2013 1:49:46 PM
Sir is soooooo hot
a true Master
buffalomuscle2002: have you served Me before?
maybe once Sir awhile back
buffalomuscle2002: you need Me more often? $$$$$
yes Sir, i would like to pay just one Master
buffalomuscle2002: well, are you presently owned?
no Sir, i am not
buffalomuscle2002: well, I am a MAN not a twink
buffalomuscle2002: if thats what you want cunt
yes Sir, You are a Man
it is what i want
buffalomuscle2002: good
buffalomuscle2002: first, I want you to write a text praising Me on so the other fags can see it
yes Sir
buffalomuscle2002: NOW
buffalomuscle2002: brb gotta piss
buffalomuscle2002: should have pissed in your mouth
buffalomuscle2002: it would like that I bet
buffalomuscle2002: wouldn't it?
would love that Sir, its what i live on
buffalomuscle2002: lol
buffalomuscle2002: come to Miami you get real time
buffalomuscle2002: My pi$$ is expensive though
i will, would love real time with You. i like how You treat us fags
buffalomuscle2002: good message cunt. shows it can follow orders.
thank You Sir, it likes to obey
buffalomuscle2002: is it a rich fag?
it is a middle class fag Sir-wishes it were rich
buffalomuscle2002: I see
buffalomuscle2002: well, does it want another order?
yes Sir, please Sir
buffalomuscle2002: send its Master 25$
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: get to it paycunt
Master, it sent Your $25.00
buffalomuscle2002: good paycunt! I think we're off to a good start don't you bitch?
yes Master
it likes serving You, You are a God!
buffalomuscle2002: lick My pits you $lut
it loves Your pits
buffalomuscle2002: has it ever been owned?
no Sir, close but not owned
buffalomuscle2002: I see
buffalomuscle2002: where does it live?
it lives in Washington state
buffalomuscle2002: I see
buffalomuscle2002: does it ever come to Miami?
not enough Sir,
it would like to though
buffalomuscle2002: a present for the $lut (I sent the fag a pic)
payu4ever: Thank You Sir!
buffalomuscle2002: ki$$ My muscle a$$!!!!
it wants to badly
buffalomuscle2002: oh I bet it does!
buffalomuscle2002: does it want to be owned by Me?
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: hmmm
buffalomuscle2002: I don't know if it would be loyal. I like loyalty from my faggots.
it would need some strict direction
yes, most likely
buffalomuscle2002: is it jerking off right now? be honest cunt
yes Master , it is
buffalomuscle2002: well, did it know that there is a 25$ jerk off fee in My presence?
no Master, it didn't
buffalomuscle2002: well, now it does
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: right away cunt
it paid it's fee Master
buffalomuscle2002: hold a sec cunt
buffalomuscle2002: very good cunt! how is it feeling now?
it is feeling weaker and weaker and happy to obey Master
buffalomuscle2002: good. that's the plan.
buffalomuscle2002: bet it would like to see My big Italian cock wouldn't it?
it would LOVE it
buffalomuscle2002: does it think there might be an additional fee for that?
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: how much does it think that fee would be?
it is a dumb fag so it is not sure
buffalomuscle2002: take a guess you stupid fag
$50 Sir?
buffalomuscle2002: almost got it right.
buffalomuscle2002: it's 75$
buffalomuscle2002: too bad!!!
buffalomuscle2002: it wants it bad though right cunt?
yes Master, please Master, please
buffalomuscle2002: I'm sorry I can't hear you cunt. can you repeat that a little louder?
Please my God, please, please please may it see Master's dick.
please it is begging, please Master
buffalomuscle2002: ok now I can hear it.
buffalomuscle2002: well, it knows where to go, doesn't it???
yes Master, it is going to paypal
buffalomuscle2002: good guess!
buffalomuscle2002: for a stupid fag!!!
buffalomuscle2002: got it
buffalomuscle2002: is it ready?
buffalomuscle2002: does it do poppers?
it is ready Master
no it does not have poppers
buffalomuscle2002: it won't need them
buffalomuscle2002: on your knees faggot
yes Master
omg Master, You're beautiful
my God
buffalomuscle2002: drool (I piss in a glass with $$$$ signs on it)
it wishes it were there
it wants to drink it's Master piss badly
buffalomuscle2002: I have sold tons of My pi$$
i can believe it
buffalomuscle2002: its hilarious
buffalomuscle2002: fags love it
we love to pay and worship our Masters
buffalomuscle2002: Masters? does it have more than one now?
no Sir, it was being general about all fags
buffalomuscle2002: I see
buffalomuscle2002: has it enjoyed our time together so far?
yes Master, it is honored to be in Your presence
buffalomuscle2002: does it think it would like to pay its re$pects on a regular basis?
yes Master, it is desperate to pay regularily to You
buffalomuscle2002: I see.
buffalomuscle2002: Well, I will have to think it over.
buffalomuscle2002: btw, I like nice round figures.
buffalomuscle2002: 175$ feels incomplete doesn't it?
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: crawl to paypal cunt
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: read My comment on cunt
buffalomuscle2002: and thank Me
buffalomuscle2002: that was a bargain wasn't it faggot? only 200 bucks for abuse, muscles and My godly pi$$. its lucky day!
yes Master, it was
it was extremely lucky and grateful
it hopes to continue to serve You forever Master
it likes to please You, obey You
it will do anything to serve long term
buffalomuscle2002: good faggot!
buffalomuscle2002: it should thank Me publicly on dom
buffalomuscle2002: shouldn't it? (fag writes comment)
buffalomuscle2002: well done
buffalomuscle2002: So faggot, I want it to save up for its next training se$$ion.
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: and I want it to focus on $erving Me
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: it definitely needs training
buffalomuscle2002: and of course I will charge it a training fee as is only proper.
yes, it is desperate for Your on going training and control
buffalomuscle2002: I see
buffalomuscle2002: Is it online regularly?
it can be Master
buffalomuscle2002: does it want to have another training se$$ion tomorrow? or even later tonight if it is so desperate?
it is desperate but it will not be home again until Monday afternoon
buffalomuscle2002: I see
buffalomuscle2002: Ok cunt
buffalomuscle2002: We will meet on Monday evening
yes Master
buffalomuscle2002: make sure it has available funds. Training fags is not cheap!
yes Master, it will
buffalomuscle2002: cunt is dismissed for now.
Thank You Master
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