Master Talos
by on January 9, 2013

Fake versus real and the 90% versus the 10%.

From both sides I hear this repetitive complaint about 90% being fake. Masters are calling 90% of the slaves fake and vice versa. I’m sure this is in reality not the case, and would say that only 10% of both Masters as slaves are fake.

1. How do, in my eyes, most of the Masters think of themselves?

Most Master think that when they are a Master, they are superior to anyone, and all slaves or subs should be submitting themselves to them. WRONG. è point 2. and 3.

2. What is de share or how can we divide the number?

We have Masters/ Mistresses in all different shapes and with different interests, and for sure with different approach. Our slaves and subs, even if they are into submitting, they do have a preference and most of them are not submitting randomly. Some might like young and boyish, some might like old and experienced, some are into muscles, some are into hairy, others again into Mediterranean, and so on. To get back to point 1. It does not mean when you’re a Master that all slaves/ subs are into YOU. So in my eyes, the ones that are into you is 10%. Which is a fair share. That does not make that 90% is fake. Imaging yourself instead of online on platforms that provide us this opportunity, that you are in a gallery and each of you has a shop. Where the slaves/ subs can walk trough and decide at which shop they would like to stop. It’s not that different, and your profile is your shop, and the features are extra’s on which you can participate to make your shop more attractive on top of your pictures.

3. Approach?

Some may like to get barked to from the moment they contact you. Others appreciate to establish a conversation first to check the surface. Others again are shy and don’t know how to act/ react or what to expect. And there are many more ways of how a connection starts. If the person on the other end does not like your approach, and again, it does not make them fake, it just means that you’re not potential to fulfill or satisfy their desires. If you get 10% of them, than you do well, and have a good share. The approach is the deal breaker, more than physical appearance. You may have the best pictures from yourself taken in you Sunday cloths, giving the finger, or pictures to brag with your PayPal account, or whatever you think you have to lure someone. It may have an effect, but when you don’t produce the right words for them, it’s off and they will look further. And again, that does not make them fake.

4. Why does someone accuse the other one of being fake?

The ones that think that it should all fall into their lap without doing anything should look for something else. They call some slaves/ subs spoiled, but these Master??? are spoiled even more. They may have had some encounters where they were showered with tributes and gifts, and think that it should be like that all the time. WRONG! You invest time, in your profile and in who you get in touch with. And some time you lose and sometime you win. To the question, why the accusations. The (spoiled) Masters, who collect, show up on cam or messenger or whatever source to get connected with and leave in a heartbeat did not meet the expectations of the slave/ sub and the slave would easily accuse the Master of being fake. Just one example. Another example viewed from the other side. The Master puts time to persuade the slave/ sub into a session and gets in his eyes an unsatisfying tribute, and again there is a reason to call slaves fake. These are just two examples from the many complaints I hear and read.

5. The real fakers.

It’s impossible that 90% of the Masters or slaves that find their way to these platforms are fake. 10% I might believe. Master or slaves that are Bored, broke slaves, and then the general players that are doing this as a sport. They are there and they have or will take time to play around with Masters or slaves. These are really a plague, but they are not the majority or 90%. Another phenomenon, read about it and experienced myself, are the bored Masters and slaves with multiple profiles.


If you’re serious about this, Master or slave, you will get your hand on it and learn in time to distinguish real from fake and see potential.

That’s all folks, I find it a long blog entry Myself, but the complaints about this topic are everywhere. So, just my view, experiences and thoughts about this matter. I do not present this as a fact. And remarks, suggestions and comments are welcome.


Master Talos.

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