by on December 10, 2012

This game is Very fun and very amusing to watch and you pigs can play along if you are genuine financial slaves.. 


You will need 2 6 or 8 Sided dice 8 if your felling brave.... 


Take the two dice and roll them allong the floor if the 2 numbers added is an odd number you pay the total number in gbp to [email protected] via paypal....  BUT


if the two numbers added together are even then you pick a pain task from below....



Task 1: Add tthe total number on the dice as pegs to each nipple, your balls/clit and for men on your forskin aswell, half to each inner thigh and haklf to each side f your stomach these stay untill the end of the game.



Task 2: Hold a lit candle under your testicales or pussy for 1 min for each number on the dice roll a ten you hold it there for 10 mins if you move before the time is up you pay an extra 5gbp to [email protected]


Task 3: You take a belt and lash the soles of your feet and your ass for the total number of the two dice.....  with either a leather belt or wooden garden cane....


If you are feeling very brave inbdeed email evidence of the consiquences of even numbers to [email protected] ENJOY PLAYING !!! This game lasts a  total of 10 dice rolls.

copyright MasterDrC from

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