by on November 22, 2012

I love Thanksgiving because it is a less fussy version of Christmas, no gifts to bother with, usually better weather, lots of food and spending time with family.  I think it also has a special meaning for those of us in the Master/slave community.  Not every Superior Man lives in the US and I suspect more than a few are amused with the concept of the fattest nation on earth huddling together over a table of comfort food!   The original feast with Pligrims and Indians was essentially a celebration of a good harvest, and an acknowledgement that both sides needed each other to survive.  I'm sure you can figure out where I'm gong with this...

But it is an obvious and natural parallel.  And today of all days, slaves should be looking to share their bounty, regardless of it's size, to either their Master or a Master.  Seriously.  Surprise somebody today - even if you make it clear it's a one time gift, imagine how good it will feel!  Like Pilgrims and Indians, Masters and slaves need each other - slaves need to give, be kept in line and focused, Masters need to receive, coach, dominate and train.  It is only by coming together as a community that everyone ultimately gets exactly what they want -- and what they deserve.  So I would like to say I am both thankful and grateful to the owners and moderators of this site for allowing the community (despite all the 'fakes and flakes') to come together. 

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