It has recently been brought to my attention, that Walt Disney World, The Happiest Place on Earth, has a gay day. One day a year, where faggots from all over the world, convene and intrude on a park intended for children. It is my understanding that this day is not officially sanctioned by the park, but secret faggot clubs and underground homo organizations meet in their hidden fag lairs, and determine the date. All I can say, is WHAT THE FUCK?! Disney has a strictly enforced, no tattoo and no piercing employee policy, yet open homosexuality is acceptable? Tattoos and piercings are art. Homosexuality is a fucking disease. Simple biology : the more faggots there are in the world, the more likely the human race is to become extinct. No perpetuation of the species. My theory is that the Earth has initiated its own survival mode, in the sense of population control. Darwinism suggests only the strong survive. Females of a species will not mate with inferiors. I think nature recognizes certain traits in our species, and prevents certain individuals from procreating. IE : inferior genetics triggers a failsafe, the gene that causes the homosexual disease, and forces the infected into a life where procreation is impossible, thus preventing that inferior bloodline from continuing. You cannot argue Science.
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