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Male. Lives in United Kingdom. Born on March 8, 1963. is and Owner.
This is the real Dom58
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That's very common. I've served many slaves before 1f642.png
Like February 11, 2022
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posted a comment on Dom58's photo
Don't be fooled guys, this is a pic of Dom58, I know because he used to be my slave and only the other weeks he was begging me to humiliate him over hos tiny dick, he is a total faggot, nothing dom ab... View more
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Master needs a whipping bench, open those wallets lowlifes
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updated his profile information.
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Thank you for joining MastersCash.Com, Premier Cash Master networking community. Come check out the Masters and slaves on cam in our video chat, https://www.masterscash.com/index.php/vchat All Masters... View more
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