I am kind of on the fence on this particular subject. The facade that this time of year represents the birth of the holiest of figures to the Christian world has all but been exposed. Exploited, really. It is most likely that the truth behind December 25th, lies in the fact that the day in question was actually the largest pagan holiday, and as a way of stifling practicing pagans, Christians commandeered aforementioned date, and gave it another purpose.
Consequently, as with so many other t...
what is a fag? a person might say.
a fag is something that has to pay.
fags are gay
we use them in many ways.
First place to the lame ass homo that just called me on NF and blew a load in six minutes. All I had you do was slap yourself in the face a few times. And you blew a load that quick? L-O-fucking-L. It really was so pathetic, in fact, that I could feel real laughter coming on. So it was probably for the best that it was such a short lived call. I love it.
laissez les bons temps rouler
fags may speak when hens pee. Since hens do not actually pee, well, there you have it. I understand you have thoughts, and maybe even feelings. And someone might actually care. Maybe your mothers, who hatched you, and watched in horror, as it became evident that it was not just a phase, after you grew from little faglets, into full on adult homos. Most likely not your fathers. Personally, I would castrate myself as punishment for having a gay son. And to ensure that I never had another one. But ...
It has recently been brought to my attention, that Walt Disney World, The Happiest Place on Earth, has a gay day. One day a year, where faggots from all over the world, convene and intrude on a park intended for children. It is my understanding that this day is not officially sanctioned by the park, but secret faggot clubs and underground homo organizations meet in their hidden fag lairs, and determine the date. All I can say, is WHAT THE FUCK?! Disney has a strictly enforced, no tattoo and no p...
I do not believe I have brought my actual purpose to light. I am a body piercer/modifyer. I suppose some have figured this much out. But, I am also a businessman. I operate a couple small businesses. Being self employed has allowed me to look as I please, set my own hours, and free myself of wage slavery. My true nature is rebellious, anti-authority, my chosen name is homage to one of my tribal ancestors. Loquillo was an Old One from where I am descended. He refused slavery, and spent his life a...
I saw this on a billboard today. How fucking perfect. It was right. There is only one lower form of life than a faggot, and that is a pedophile. The best part was that the sign was in front of a church. Since we all know that fags do not go to church, it brought up a question... Since fags don't pay tithe, where should the money go? I will answer it : RIGHT HERE HOMOS. 10% of all earnings. The collection basket is going around right now. And you have a lot of back-tithing to make up for.
So now that you have had your chance tonight to be donkey punched and tea bagged, and whatever other gay shit you get into, break out those pocketbooks and start refilling my paypal. Remember, thats "paypal" with a "p" and not gaypal. I will spell it again for those that need it. I do not accept gaypal.
You must be really pathetic. Your own kind doesn't even want you around. I'm sure you are sad that you can't go to house parties where every other fag is dressed as Christina Aguilera, and you miss out on classic party games like bobbing for dicks. But wait, there is still hope for you. Not much, but you can salvage the night by paying away your sorrows. So stop fucking that greased up pumpkin, and message me.
MasterLoquillo on yahoo and skype
... calm down. Yes, there is a new photo of me. And yes, the thought of you printing it out and taping it to the back of your head so your boyfriends have something to look at while fucking you does disturb me. But maybe now they will actually blow a real load on you, instead of spitting a mouthful of tapioca pudding on your back and using the same towel to wipe off the tainted astroglide so to disguise the evidence.
Also, it is approaching Christmas, and Santa frowns upon faggotry, so, no shin...
Earlier today, I had a random thought. I had a voice in my head that said, "Maybe you are being too harsh on these homosexuals. After all, they are people too..." And then came the voice of reason, the logical side of my brain kicked in, and said, "Master Loquillo, what the hell are you thinking?! These bitches suck truckloads of dicks, and willfully get fucked in the ass and smile about it!" Of course, I quickly realized that logic prevails, and this deviant behavior is unnatural and must be pu...
So you know what that means... That's right, cock smugglers! Time to spit the dicks out, wiggle your little limp wrists to dry the fingernail polish, and dig down into your bras to get my money out. Quick, do it now, while Desperate Housewives is on a commercial break.
Also, I have been noticing the same cum stained faces slithering around my page, without properly introducing themselves. I understand that it takes balls to greet me, I do. So here's what you can do, remove the balls from your ...